Click Pro Elite Application

Yes! We have some exciting things happening soon and will be introducing a new tier to our membership. To make space for what will become our first membership offering, Click Pro, we "leveled up" our current application-based membership and members to CLICK PRO ELITE members! 

Wait, did your name change? What is the Elite in Click Pro Elite?

Our Standards were create at the inception of Click Pro Elite in 2010, evolving into what we have today. Applicants are required to submit a 150 image portfolio of work that is critiqued in seven categories. The applicant's portfolio is reviewed by panelists, including the Click Pro Director, Courtney Larson. An overall average of 32+ points (out of a possible 42) is required for admission.

What is the basis for the portfolio evaluation?

Applicants are required to show us 150 images with little restrictions on the HOW. You may submit your website or use another program such as Flickr, Pixiset, Shootproof, etc. 

How should I organize my portfolio?

Not at all! Anyone is invited to join, though our current mission is the advancement of women and non-binary artists within the photography industry and we are actively pursuing change through creativity, community, and conversations. 

Is Click Pro Elite only for women?

Our CLICK PRO ELITE program is a non-refundable application fee of $25 with a yearly membership fee of $150 with a whole new slew of amazing benefits and opportunities. 

What is the yearly membership fee?

Were you the instructor? Was it styled and directed by you alone?
We expect you to get portfolio worthy images under the direction and guidance of other skilled photographers. While you still made conscious choices to composition and editing, the overall creativity came from the instructors and claiming it as your own vision in it's totality will hurt your score. I suggest removing any images taken at a workshop and replacing them with sessions where you were the sole artist or key instructor.

Can I include images taken at a workshop, retreat, styled shoot?

Your portfolio should represent the best of what you do as a photographer. As such, we don’t have any requirements surrounding the genres you work in or the techniques you demonstrate. Some of our pros shoot senior portrait sessions, while others focus on personal documentary work, and still others are fine art or landscape specialists. Similarly, some shoot only film, while others shoot exclusively in black & white. Show us who YOU are as an artist, whatever that means to you.

What kind of images should I include?

We do not have any restrictions on how long you must wait before applying again. We encourage you to look at the scores you received and submit again when you feel confident in your work.

I applied and was denied. How long do I have to wait before applying again?

Yes, we do require a new application be submitted to rejoin Click Pro Elite. 
(This application requirement goes into effect April 1, 2024.)

I used to be a Click Pro Elite but let my membership expire. Do I have to apply again?

We require all business owners to have a business license or equivalent based on their state/country requirements if they are collecting funds.
Our association believes this isn't having high standards, but the most basic and foundational step every working photographer should take. 

I do not have a business license. Can I join?

Our association for advanced photographers does NOT require members to have a business and is open to both the hobbyist and business owner.
Not an advanced photographer? We recommend joining our sister company, Click Community and gain the knowledge and skills to get there!

I don't own a business. Can I join?

Click Pro Elite is our advanced membership, only accessible through a rigorous portfolio review.
Applicants are required to submit a 150 image portfolio of work that is critiqued in seven categories. An overall average of 32+ points (out of a possible 42) is required for admission.

What is Click Pro Elite?

You can use the login link at the top of any page or the link HERE

Your username is the email address you used upon registering. If you forgot your password, there is an option to reset it on the login page. 

How do I login to my account?

Learn about the Click Pro Elite Standards in our helpful PDF guide.

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